Oklahoma Chapter
Oklahoma Chapter

Society  of  Fire 
Protection  Engineers
     Oklahoma  Chapter

The Oklahoma chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (OK SFPE) was approved by SFPE National in October of 2012.

Mission and Vision
The mission of OK SFPE is to facilitate the growth of the Fire Protection industry in the State of Oklahoma. To accomplish this mission, OK SFPE must involve members from a wide range of stakeholders including: Fire Protection Engineers, Code Officials, Contractors, Manufacturers, other Engineering Disciplines and Architects, Property Owners, and Local Citizens.

The primary vehicle which OK SFPE will use to facilitate this growth will be regular chapter meetings. Each meeting will be focused around a technical or procedural presentation. Presentation topics will vary but will include topics which are applicable to all stakeholders listed above. Additional events (community outreach, fundraisers, for example) will be scheduled to encourage networking within the different stakeholder groups.

© SFPE - Oklahoma Chapter  Click here for the OSU Student Chapter
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